Mu Ko Surin National Park |
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The best time to visit Mu Ko Surin National Park is only from December to March.
Surint Islands comprise of five main islands, including 2 large islands consisting of the northern surint island and southern surint island which located very adjacent like the twin island. They are separated by the 200 meters width shallow sea. In the low tide period, you can walk across to the other island or so-called "cutted channel bay". The other three islands are the rock islands with some dwarf trees. Plants that found here are the rainforest plants. They are one source of the big and best fertile shallow coral reef of Thailand.
Could be classified into 2 seasons consisting of hot seasons starting from mid of February till May, while the raining season starting from mid of May till September which has a highest level of rainfall. The yearly average rainfall is more than 3,000 milimeters and the average of related humidity is 83 percent.
Flora and Fauna
Able to classify the society of plants as follows :
- Primary rainforestcovers most area of the national park, both of slope and ridge of mountain. The important plants found here are Diospyros malabarica Kostel., etc.
- Beach forestcould be found in beach areas where you can find many kinds of plant such as Barringtonia, Cerbera odollam, etc.
- Mangrove forestis located in the mud area and the brackish water of Mae Yai bay. This is not the fertile forest but you can find some kinds of plants such as Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora mucronata, Xylocarpus granatum, etc., while some dwarf forest or grove plants comprise of Cycas pectinata Griff., Dillenia obovata (Bl.) Hoogl., Erythroxylum cuneatum Kurz, etc.
Wild Animals
- Birds, from survey found totally 91 types of birds including local birds about 57 types and the others are the migrating birds from elsewhere, such as Little Heron, Common Sandpiper, Little Tern, etc.
- Mammal animalscould be found here totally 22 types including 12 types of bat such as Island Flying fox, Black-Bearded Tomb Bat, Pig-Tailed Macaque, Common Wild Pig, etc.
- Reptileshave been found 6 types such as Indian or Bengal Monitor, Water Monitor, Skink, Reticulated Python, etc.
- Coral, such as Needle coral, etc.
- Fishes , such as Damselfish, Wrasse, Butterfly-fish and Midas blenny; Ecsenius midas etc.
- Sea Turtles, could be found 4 types such as Green Turtle, Siamese hawksbill turtle, Leather-backed turtle, Leathery turtle, RIDLEY'S, etc.
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